Sunday 20 March 2011

'Exit Threw the Gift Shop' and other adventures.

So last night, my friends and I watched 'Exit Threw The Gift Shop', which, for those of you who haven't seen it, is  the documentary Directed by Banksy on street art, it was very good, although the guy the film is actually about was so annoying, he basically copied other people's ideas, and got other people to make the art for him. I know there's not really  an original idea left, but still. The film did sort of rise these questions.  He did make millions of dollars in a day which you know I'll in all likelihood never see a million dollars, so good on him.
The best part of the film was the interviews with Banksy, who seemed a little annoyed at the guy, not a surprise really. Banksy seems really cool, although that might just be because I'm a sucker for people who have alter ego's, like Banksy, Batman, or the phantom at the opera, ok I know the last two aren't real.

I have always loved street art, and the film showed the creative process and the risks involved with street art.  I think when I get my sewing machine back from my mom, I'm going to make some silk screen street art inspired clothes.

Also heard the sound track to 'The social network' I need to see this film, I'm behind on films, I know. But the sound score is amazing.

On the fashion side of things, I cut my bangs back in, I haven't had Bangs since grade 7, when I was made fun of for them, but who's laughing now, it's definitely me, with my cute bangs, oh dear I think I might becoming a hipster. but I think I might be ok with that. kind of. maybe not.

Tomorrow I face my Ex of a few days, not really looking forward to it, but hopefully things will be better and less dramatic afterwards.

Well now to the library to study for my Philosophy class.

I would beg for some one to follow me on here, but I not going to, mostly because I don't care, I'll keep writing regardless of audience.

Good Bye
lovely people.

Saturday 19 March 2011

To new starts and difficult endings

So this my first posting. Welcome to my Blog.

So before I begin, I would just like to say, that there are two sides to every story, I try to see both sides of every story, good or bad.

If you don't like me, don't look at me/read me.

I will be saying things on here, which yes are my personal opinion, and of course not everyone will agree with it, but I'm fine with that. I enjoy debating. 

So enough of that.

I have started my next film project, it is the largest film crew I have worked on, about 19 people. I just created a messy brake up the other day. and the person is in my crew, which is less then great, so hate and drama coming my way. yay. not.

Anyway I can wait to have summer single in the city. And rest assured I will be buying clothes. so for those of you who came here for fashion, it will get better I promise! 
So, chow for now.
and keep reading.